Welcome to the healing touch of RopheMassage

Step into a world of tranquility and rejuvenation with our mobile massage services.



Hi there! Let me start by saying how honored i am that you have chosen me to assist you on your wellness Journey. Here at RopheMassage I pride myself in providing a session personalized to you and your needs; and I believe you shouldn’t have to choose between relaxation and focus work.it is my hope that every client leaves feeling like their needs were met. as i do not take my position lightly I make it a point to pray over each session that I would be equipped with the skill, wisdom, and discernment to provide the best session possible.

I am a mobile Massage therapist Licensed in Connecticut and based in Tolland county, but serving others as well. so please reach out to find out if i am able to serve you! .

Deep Tissue/pressure is priced differently

Deep tissue not offered for 2 hour sessions

session duration and pricing

60 minute


perfect for first timers, those simply looking to relax or for a little “me time”

90 Minute


Unwind, de-stress, and feel the tension melt away as we spend extra time on those focus areas!

120 Minute


looking to give specific areas some extra time without compromising another?

****please note 2hr sessions will have to be APPROVED and can only be booked if you have already had a session with me prior.


so you got all the information you needed and are ready to start your wellness journey? Book now!
